Frequently Asked Questions
The past few years, the City of Akron has studied the options available to replace aged and obsolete meter equipment.
The City of Akron will begin upgrading their metering systems that will result in many operational and cost savings benefits to the City as well as to the customer.
The City has contracted with Utility Metering Solutions (UMS) to complete the meter upgrades throughout the Akron water service area.
Below are frequently asked questions for your convenience:
What are the benefits of Akron H2O - Tap into the Future?
A big one for customers is the ability to monitor their account to spot potential water leaks on their side of the meter very quickly,
avoiding a high bill due to unusual consumption. If unusual consumption occurs, rather than the utility noticing it at the end of a monthly billing cycle,
the customer can be notified within days, allowing the customer to fix the source of the problem quickly, whether that be from a faulty toilet or other problem.
This early discovery will also help the City reduce water loss from leaks.
How will the meter replacement process work?
UMS will begin installing enhanced water meters in September 2022 by scheduling appointments with customers who have the oldest water meters and will have every meter upgraded within 20 months.
Work will proceed along a pre-determined route scheduled with the City of Akron. UMS will notify you via a USPS letter a week or two before starting work in your area.
The work will be performed during normal working hours of 8:00AM – 5:00PM (EST). All UMS installers will have an ID badge indicating their name and their employment with UMS and will be wearing bright yellow t-shirts/jackets/vests with "UTILITY METERING SOLUTIONS" or "UMS" on the back. Installers will travel in vehicles that have a large "UMS" and City of Akron logoed magnet on the side. All UMS installers have successfully completed a comprehensive criminal background check.
Is there anything I need to do if my meter is inside?
If your meter is located inside, be sure to schedule your appointment. At installation, for the safety of the personnel exchanging the meters,
please keep pets secured during the timeframe your meter is scheduled to be replaced.
Please make sure an adult at least 18 years or older is available during the time the replacement is scheduled to occur.
Please make sure that the path to the meter and area around the meter is clear. When the meters are exchanged, the interruption in service could last up to an hour.
How do I schedule an appointment?
UMS will notify you via a USPS letter a week or two before starting work in your area.
The letter will provide meter change out details including how to schedule an installation appointment.
Do I have to schedule an installation appointment or be present for the installation if the meter is outside?
If the meter is outside of your business, you do not need to schedule an installation appointment or be present.When in your area,
UMS installers will complete the installation and provide a post installation notice.
Can customers opt out?
No, this process is mandatory. Existing meter equipment has become dated and the batteries on these meters are coming to their end of life.
To ensure continued accurate meter reads it is imperative that these meters be replaced. Failure to schedule meter change will result in service disruption and associated fees.
Will there be a cost to customers?
There will be no additional cost to Akron's utility customers.
How long will it take to replace my residential water meter?
In most cases, it is a simple procedure that could take up to an hour. Your water service may be interrupted for about an hour during the meter change-out.
Will wireless technology affect my health or privacy?
The technology in the Sensus brand smart meters use radio signal to transmit meter data and will not negatively affect health or privacy.
The transmitters use one-quarter of the power of a cellphone transmission. For additional information, please visit
What will my new meter look like?
Here is an example of what your new upgraded meter will look like.
I have a basement in my home what do I need to do?
When our installer arrives, they will assess the basement to determine how a wire run will need to be done to the outside of your home.
At that time the installer will be able to provide you with more information and answer any of your questions.